BNMTA Spring Festival
The third annual BNMTA Spring Festival will be held
April 27, 2024
April 27, 2024
You need not be a BNMTA
member to enter your students!
member to enter your students!
Repertoire will not be restricted to any music era but will exclude that of the Classical era, since that is covered in the annual Sonata/Sonatina Festival. Students may choose one piece from the repertoire lists to perform, however a time limit will be set for each level.
This is a non-competitive event.
The format will be similar to Solo & Ensemble Contest. Each performer is
given a rating of I, II, or III, written feedback from the judges, and a certificate.
Students receiving a best of day designation will be invited to perform in a recital in Westbrook Auditorium immediately following the completion of all levels. All participants, family members, and friends are encouraged to attend,
and the recital will be open to the public.
Audio & video recording is prohibited in classrooms, but individuals may record
their own children during the recital. No flash photography is allowed.
This is a non-competitive event.
The format will be similar to Solo & Ensemble Contest. Each performer is
given a rating of I, II, or III, written feedback from the judges, and a certificate.
Students receiving a best of day designation will be invited to perform in a recital in Westbrook Auditorium immediately following the completion of all levels. All participants, family members, and friends are encouraged to attend,
and the recital will be open to the public.
Audio & video recording is prohibited in classrooms, but individuals may record
their own children during the recital. No flash photography is allowed.
For Repertoire List, Governing Rules, and
Application Forms, click on the following tabs:
Application Forms, click on the following tabs:
1) Spring Festival Registration Forms
2) Spring Festival Repertoire List
3) Spring Festival Governing Rules
2) Spring Festival Repertoire List
3) Spring Festival Governing Rules
Registration forms and payments must be received by
5 pm on Saturday, April 6, 2024 in order for students to participate
5 pm on Saturday, April 6, 2024 in order for students to participate